The Sense of Home

Saw this post this morning and thought to re-post…image

One day on a trip my beautiful partner and I had an opportunity to stay at a cabin…in fact the way one normally thinks about these places is that they are somewhat rustic in appearance, nominal in amenities and a bit rough around the edges.

I hesitate to say that this was any different on the outside appearance of things, with the simple siding, porches that were in need of some refreshing, and in the interior, the homemade cabinets and the open closet space with curtain material was seemingly pedantic enough.

All in all, one did not see the evidence of a big difference from a rustic looking cabin and this rustic looking cabin.

Maybe it is that on the outside, a lot of things look the same, a field of flowers, snowflakes, a group of houses, sometimes even several people from a distance. But as one gets closer, there begins to unfold the specific differences.

And sometimes it takes a moment for the light to hit something so that we can make out what it is. Sometimes if we don’t see the specific light of something we begin to think it might be something that it is not.

How beautiful that nature produces such a variance of design, that each snowflake, each flower, each person is individualistic and in fact has not been replicated at any point in time!  With 6 billion people on the planet and all the ones who came before us, how can that be?  Why would that be?

This cabin had a sense of being in the right place with elements that both looked outward toward a beautiful peaceful river, a luscious forest of trees, and a sunset filled western sky, and inward through a wall of windows from the West to the East toward the living and kitchen areas, comfortably appointed with elements touched with the patina of caring moments.

One senses that the balance that one feels from this house, looking outward and inward would be that sense of balance that one would look for one’s own life… to reflect on those elements that come to us, and rather than just responding, allowing that which is of light to penetrate our hearts and minds before we make a response.

Hmmm. That would be a different approach to the world as it is today!

What feeling is it that might be emanating from our core in this moment? What elements are we receiving back from the world? Does it make a difference what we are emanating from our center and how we receive the response from the world?

Is it the input that adjusts our path?

We cannot know who we are except by the people that we interact with, though many have tried to do just the inward looking or the outward looking. Beautiful steps either direction, though as we know it takes looking with inner eyes and outer ears, to both hear and see those things that connect us to the whole.

When is the right time to feel at home, in our home, and to be able to share that feeling and sense of home with all about us?

Question is, when do we think is the right time to start?

Missing Moffet

Photo from author's collection.

Photo from author’s collection.

Little Miss Moffet

Listening to herds and ways

Loves all things close by.

The Ant and the CEO

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The R Factor. Art & Design

Ant interacting with a feather. Photo credit Richard Seaman

A conversation with my son not long ago brought forth a thought about how a very small and possibly insignificant ant relates to the reality of being a CEO.

You see, somehow as we were driving along, an ant found it’s way onto my son’s phone, and rather than just brush it off, he thought to study it a moment. A rich moment.

He watched as it circumnavigated the phone and the new territory that it found itself on, pausing from time to time, while it’s antenna moved questioningly in the air. As one studied the actions of the ant, a sense of the atmosphere that surrounded the beingness of it, became more and more apparent.

One of the realizations of being in the world is that we are in a world of change. No one really denies that fact, yet…

View original post 682 more words

The Reality of Imagination

Goat in Greece

Goat in Greece

Ah, the beauty of imagination.

Some of us we say are blessed with much imagination.

Imagination is a gift we say…a way of creating a world to escape into or away from, a tool for improving a product or creating a new one. Something to be desired as with it one can become rich and famous in the world! Just mention the name Steve Jobs and who would not believe that imagination played a large part of his success in the world.

It seems that Steve harnessed the power of the world with the reins of his imagination. How seductive the thought of how to use the power! The world would be very appreciative of your efforts!


One might ask the question, what is the Gift of Imagination really for? How is it that man, male and female, have this capability?

So how does one get this imagination? Is one born with it? Is it given only to a certain few privileged and select ones like some kind of special precious stone or talisman that has an inner shine when one receives and holds it in one’s hands?

To whatever degree that we wonder about these things we can be assured that we each of us have been given a piece of this precious stone, the one that shines inwardly as well as outwardly. A Shaman’s token, this element.

How sweet the privilege of this gift and how few of us realize it’s potential in our lives!


The Reality of Imagination is that it reveals a doorway to the Realization of the Truth of Reality.

The world would say different. The world would say that imagination is just in one’s mind, and by utilizing the desire in one’s heart, it can applied to make money and build things. While this seems to work on the basis of creating and obtaining things in the world, it falls short of realizing a True understanding of the Pleasure and Joy of the Reality of being on Earth! Though some would say it is these things that bring me pleasure and joy, it is a fact that much of the True Pleasure and Joy is left on the table of Life unused and overlooked.

Not that there is anything wrong with obtaining things and enjoying their use, but what I am pointing to is the fact that the current use of imagination may be underutilized in one’s experience or directed in ways that are seemingly divisive. Using one’s desire to obtain things is not unheard of in today’s world. Ha!

Imagination however, if given an opportunity to be used in a forward looking, whole and holistic approach to our lives has the ability to transform what certainly appears in front of one to be just certain basic and ordinary forms and styles of living, into Symbols of the True Representation of the Nature of Nature. The Creative Beauty and Gracefulness that is Present Here and Now.


Meaning that the Effervescence of Life, that we each one of us are looking for in Truth, that which might possibly be termed “Heaven on Earth”, is that which connects us with and lies inside the forms themselves. It is the Truth of the Reality of the Nature of Life. This simple and seemingly pedantic use of Imagination can be a Gift of Realization for what surrounds us, bringing a sense of Understanding about the world and the Earth. Purpose needs a Creative Atmosphere to be Understood and acted upon.

If it is a concern of one, not just to surround oneself with baubles and things to entertain oneself for the duration of one’s time on Earth but to move out of the doldrums of the stagnant and still air that seemingly surrounds the world and its patterns as it appears today, then there must be something to assist one to connect in the right direction, to move out of the area that one got into, for something new, creative, different, exciting and innovative. Life and living is all of that. All of the time. There is a reason why it is called Creative Living.

Imagination allows us to use our senses in Real Time to recognize that which is new and different about each moment one is present on Earth. It is a gift of unbelieveable proportions.

And it is available right now to anyone who would subscribe to allowing it to be used and developed from within for the Right Intentions.

How would it be to experience the Essence of Joy, without a sword in one’s hand nor a book of concepts in the other?

In essence without the divisiveness of the world. Can that be possible? Is it possible to experience Joy and Pleasure without attempting to utilize the sense of it to obtain things just for ourselves? Or to conquer those around us with it?

The Richness of the use of Imagination in our living, is what allows Life to be seen, heard and felt in Real Time, in ways that no other sense can do by itself. Imagination connects one to Nature, in a way that works in a larger sense and far greater way than one has been lead to believe to use it.

If there were to be Real Life Changes in your world, in my world, Imagination is a key to these changes, for coupled with the Richness of the Core of one’s heart, that is that Clear Space Untouched by the world, one begins to know and to experience that for which we are here for.

A Joy and a Pleasure. So simple. Without struggle, climbing or trying. What could be more seductive or alluring than that?


It is that which allows us and those about us to experience that which is whole and wholesome and True. That is the Reality, and not a figment of the imagination of the mind.

It would seem that The Reality of Imagination in a True sense is that which has the capability of being a gateway to that next Level of Experiencing Life and Living. A three, nay, a four dimensional Life.

Steve Jobs understood and believed in the Power of Imagination to the point of how to use it in the world, and how beautiful it is that his return of the use of this Gift provided him with things around him in a large way. How large of a world do we live in?

Yet imagination cannot be owned, nor copyrighted, nor bought or sold. The Realization is that if applied in our lives for the Purpose of Enriching our experience and those about us, without attempting to be divisive nor wielding a sword on a white horse, that the Return of the Caring for this Gift of Creative Capacity that we call imagination, will change our world and those about us, easily and effectively, and as surely as the Return that happened in Steve’s experience while on Earth.


Nature is Abundant. There are no limitations on Nature’s ability to Create. We all know this from a point of experiencing all the variations of life forms on this planet much less the Universe! It is Vibrant, Effervescent, Innovative and Creative beyond our ability to fully Understand, and even so, Nature is not capricious, it will bring Life to those who would entertain it.


At the Crossroads

Highway 61 and 49 Crossroads

At the Crossroads…

Dear Senator and House Representative,

Thank you for your willingness to be in a place of representation of a people in the United States, a challenging place to be at this time, as there is a growing atmosphere within the government that is not supportive of the one’s who are actually clothing and feeding it.

It is pretty amazing how the essence of Privilege and Responsibility get switched around when things seem to be working one’s way. It becomes a place of complacency and entitlement in lieu of the moving Energy towards Givingness and True Self-less Service.

It occurs to me that the Founding Fathers were in a place of utmost Selfless Service to their countrymen when they wrote the Foundational paper and many have attempted to discover new translations that would amend this organic piece of work, though it would seem that without first being in a place of attending to the attitude of Selfless Service, there is no way to amend and bring an organic solution to a paper that was created for the Purposes of Creative Expansion.

I think that many people realize that our government has grown exceedingly large though of itself this does not seem to be a central issue. The apparent issue as you realize and why people tend to be disconnected from the processes is that it is no longer able to respond to the True needs of the people. Why is this?

Perhaps what the Founding Father’s vision was that the minutiae of the details of living life were to be left open to the people and not for the government to attempt to amend to their whims.

Just as an example, I am pretty sure that George Washington would have had no idea that the government would have any concern or need to participate in the discussion of whether or not one is for or against birthing rights. So that the Vision was more of an open means for the needs of organizing a central place to provide a system of connecting people in such a way that a single entity might be provided for the world to interact with. This would unite the states into a powerful world face as the people would have a central voice to speak to the other nations of the world.

What I am attempting to relate is not a quasi-rumination of basic history but more of an attempt to rediscover the originating depth of connection as to why we became united states located in this land we call America.

The point is, is that if we can come to a point of Truth about our True Foundation, then it would probably be more clear as to a direction to head out from. Kind of like finding the North Star or in practical matters, realizing how we can be of service to one another without having to control everything around us to make sure things go our way.

It would seem that a flaw of the Constitution of the United States is that it has no means of letting go of the works that no longer make sense. Law-makers have added into the Agreement for these many years, to no avail, because the land is now more full of laws than ever before and there are many law-less people who now fill that space that was designed as a Free Space on Earth.

More government assistance normally translates (at the user end) to a well meaning interference with some very natural and organic processes of living. Would that we could look at the opportunity and the willingness of cleaning house first so that we could see more clearly what will be needed in the next period.

It would take a measure of Patience and Relaxing into what has been bogging down our government and taxing so hard a people who are willing to be taxed. And we are willing to be taxed. And have been. Just that the responsibility for keeping a clean house has not been attended to since the inception of this wonderful organic paper we call the constitution.

And of course as we know, there is currently a state of pressing taxation that is without precedence and is without representation.

Maybe there should be a law stating nothing new happens in the government without something being let go of first?

My sense is that like any organic thing in Nature there needs to be a way of letting go of those things that are no longer of current value so that the effort of carrying those things can be shifted to what is needed at this time. It is a simple arrangement of utilizing what energy or resources are at hand for either movement forward or attempting to sustain that which is not working at this time. The government as we all realize is bloated from it’s concern to continue to hold onto processes that may have worked great at one time but is now just taking resources to maintain and removing the ability of its efforts to be able to respond to what is currently in Season now.

I realize that those words are easily said, and probably just as easy understood, though as always the implication is that there is a need to resolve these issues through practical application.

How can we attend to what is needed and at the same time allow for a means of letting things go of that which is not?

We see this great process of renewal take place continually in Nature right before us, but as man sees his structures, they must be rigid and unyielding in order to work. Our government has no real means of letting things go, so that it only continues to grow larger.

The question is: If we do not attend to letting things go that are not useful, how can that be sustainable?


Thank you for your time, your effort and your patience and understanding to commit to a clearer and open place in which to live and to breathe in freedom from oppression. Let us all make a stand.



Black Mountain Furniture

Black Mountain, NC. 28711


Doug's WorkAgile Cat Dog close

Catching Darkness Light shining

Blades of Grass soft touch

What Remains

maple shavings

maple shavings

Planing wood curls

Air thick with thoughtful Breath

Clouds in Sky


Easy Morning

Stars bright in alignment

Sound of buses

Moments in Time


Dandelions: Whispers of the Earth photo credit

Morning has broken

Dandelions are blooming

Phone is ringing

End of the World…

I have been working on a project in the shop.

concept drawing

concept drawing

Quite interesting. The thought of bringing an idea of something into form has a certain aurora around it. For some people that is a bit daunting, while for others it may be something that is plowed through, and still for another group there seems to be ones who have a sense that there is something larger at work than just doing.

Yet bringing something into form is in fact what we each one of us are doing all the time.  Consciously or not, the very existence of our presence here is a realization of the fact that the process of Creative Activity is bringing forth new forms in every moment.  Is it not really how and what we believe in as to how and what is actually being created?


I thought about this idea this morning, because a certain limitation in the process of building this new form in the shop, has appeared, and to the degree that I believe that this limitation has value then it becomes a stumbling block to the process and the outcome of the new form. Can it be any other way?

It would seem that any problem or issue that we are facing has a certain amount of aurora surrounding it depending on how much we care about the problem or issue! That is an interesting statement even if it is redundant in its grammar. Ha!

Well, what I am attempting to relate is that we can assist the growing of our problems and issues that we face by giving them what they need. And we all know that to grow anything one needs to care for it and water it and feed it, so that it will grow big and strong, and…

aphids enjoying

aphids enjoying

Wait! These are the problems and issues that we would like to clear away from our lives so why would we want to feed these things with energy? Exactly the point is it not? Yet apparently that is what most people are doing in their situations! Now I am not promulgating the idea that one does not recognize the fact that there may be real issues at hand, though what I am suggesting is that the concentration of effort be directed toward the root of the issue and not glazing over it, just to get past a moment and onto the next thing.

The reality of problems and issues in our worlds do have roots. This situation could be described by the words ‘Cause and Effect’.  For every Effect there is a Cause, though like a plant that has been watered for some time, if we study the plant carefully we will see that it has been growing…one leaf/issue at a time, seemingly tirelessly. Just as tirelessly, Nature is, has been, and continues to attempt to work His/Her magic in spite of our concerns of limitations through this cacophony of a situation. Yet the limitations of Design really begin in our own minds, not in the Reality of Nature.

maple shavings

maple shavings

So running up against these issues that we are facing really has to do with the reality that some things are clearly not right with our worlds. Things which we may have, ourselves, possibly put in front of us in a form to begin to understand what is the nature of the state of limitation we are really working with and why the need is to let go of that limitation! It is the Effect of a certain Cause. It may take a bit of meditation and or reflection to begin to see the root issues, though it is exactly what may be needed for other things in our lives to begin to clear up also. And more than likely it will not be the first thing that you think it to be either. The general tendency in the world, is to blame something else or someone else for the Effects of Life in our daily living, and if we chose that attitude then we are actually giving up our right to understand something that is attempting to work out for ourselves. For our own growth. Blame is in reality a giving up of one’s own ability to respond in a matter, and forgoing a concern for a True Understanding as of Why this is occurring.



Like anyone who would aspire to be responsible in our own situations, we can begin to see why it is a good thing not to skirt the part of meeting the issues. That is, if we would like to think that what we are doing has some kind of meaning, then we must be willing to take a moment to relax and let the value of it become consciously known to ourselves in our own minds and hearts. Patience and tranquility are probably good attitudes to take in these cases. And what the hey, anytime seems right for those attitudes. Right?

Realizing that the shop is but part of a whole experience of a day, still there is in the shop a plethora of opportunities to discover new methods of approaching the wood and the tools with which one works with. This is not to say that everything is in chaos all the time, because it is not. Though  each time something is done, it is actually done for the first time, every time. Solutions are available because when we come against an imaginary wall, in lieu of fighting, struggling, or just doggedly trying to work something out, we begin to relax and reflect on the situation allowing for a certain conviction that the right understanding to move beyond the block or wall is within reach and the actuality of Reality. It is the limitation that is imaginary. Do you believe that?

new form?

new form?

So there you go, the answer to the points of limitation in our lives is not actually a need to fight, but more a need to turn and face the limitation and in a sense, to be aware that it is nothing more than a curve in the road. Hahaha! There is more to do than to be frustrated by simple problems.

Well then, I think that I will go back to the shop! Many discoveries are awaiting there to be realized.

things working out...

things working out…

So here is to looking forward to talking to you on the next blog! Your thoughts are appreciated!